Thursday, March 10, 2011

House "Rules & Directions"

Last Saturday evening, while the kids and I were at church, my husband stayed home and spent the quiet time, hanging up mirrors, pictures and any other wall-hanging that needed a place.  Amongst the things needing hanging was my whiteboard/corkboard.   I thought that the whiteboard would be handy for writing down things to add to my grocery list or menu or schedule.  However, once it was hung, the kids wasted no time in finding the dry-erase markers and filling in the space. 

My son has been pretending that our new kitchen is a department store restaurant and that our pantry (which is around the corner from this board) is an elevator.  So like any department store, there is the sign giving directions (just in case anyone who is also living in the house, might lose their way.  The picture on the bottom half is my daughter's drawing of the main character from the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" books.

I may need to get a new white board for myself..........and hide it, LOL!  Just kidding.............sort of.


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