Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Different Walking Venue

Yesterday, I talked about getting back into the walking routine.  We walked outdoors (because my husband took the car to work yesterday), and I shared the hazard I had walking over a man-hole cover.

So, since I had the car today, I thought we'd go to our local shopping mall to walk.  It's open very early for walkers to get their exercise in a dry environment, window shop, and then stop for a coffee when they've finished.  

A better, less hazardous environment for the person trying to walk off their holiday pounds?  You'd think so.  However I discovered that there hazards of another kind that might slow a walker down....

The first thing I saw that made me want to stop was the coffee place.   I love the coffee here just as much as I love Starbucks!  However, I did not stop for a vanilla latte.....with 2% milk.....I was very good!  I kept walking.

Then, a few yards into one wing of the mall, puts us in the food court.  Not too bad altogether because the restaurants haven't opened yet.   However, there is movement and food preparation in one of them, and it smelled very good......

Oh Yes!  The sweet smells of Cinnabon!  They weren't open yet, only making the rolls for the breakfast crowd.   Mmmmmm.....

The kids had their "hazards" to slow them down as well. 

The first one was....
The Sweet Factory........also closed, but plenty candy within view!

Then toward the end of our walk, we came to the hazard that stopped them in their tracks...........


As we walked out of the mall, one last delicious smell (of something fried) met us at the door, and this was where it was coming from.....

Need I say more?

 I was good.  I behaved and I didn't stop at any drive-thru establishments serving food on our way home. 



BeckeyZ said...

You resisted! You did good. I would have been parked in a puddle of drool in front of the Cinnabon until it opened.

The Pirate Mom said...
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The Pirate Mom said...

Those hazards are more dangerous than the manholes, I think!


Unknown said...

Oh, the coffee shop would be a serious hazzard to me too! :-) (Hi! I found you on the homestead blogger site, and followed you over here. )